Hugg Genealogy Site Companion Blog

A companion journal to my genealogy site, which covers the following (non-inclusive) families: Hugg, Casperson, Grabowski, Talorowski, Lynch, Kitchens. The blog and site also offer (or will offer) information on the history of Delaware, Maryland's Eastern Short and New Jersey.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

A Quick Index

Assuming the blog may bring folks to my website for the first time, I figured a quick index -- allowing for one click access from here to there -- might be in order. Here are some direct links to information on my genealogy website:

Website Update

Updated a few pages at my genealogy site, including sending folks looking for my previous research journal to this blog. Started to update references that the Delmarva Huggs and the New Jersey Huggs may be one line -- it now appears that they are not.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Huggs from Sweden

For years -- you could say for generations -- it was thought that my Hugg line was part of the well researched New Jersey Hugg line, which started with John Hugg in the early colony of New Jersey. However, as my research goes on, it has become apparent that my line is most likely seperate, and started in the New World on some part of the Delmarva Peninsula, in the 17th century.

As the Delaware was settled by the Swedish in the early and mid 17th century, it seems plausible that my line is from Sweden. Did a little checking tonight and it seems that there were (are?) Huggs in Sweden and that some of them have immigrated to North America.

Unfortunately, this first search found only Huggs that came to America in the 19th century. The search found several Hugg immigrants in Minnesota..."don't cha know."

A Third Start...

Once upon a time I decided it would be neat to chronicle my genealogy research, which I did on my genealogy website through a "Research Journal." It's not a bad looking journal, and is eerily like a blog, which I would learn about later.

Then I decided it would be easier to actually use a real blog instead of editing the journal (and the home page) every time I made an entry. While it wouldn't give me the "geek-rush" of editing HTML, it could possibly lead to more postings and a better record.

Well, my first step into blogging was not pretty. Perhaps because I tried a newer service and quite possibly because I decided to try to insert the blog into existing website, the results were not very aesthetically pleasing.

So here I am, on Please check back often, as I'll try to do a quick series of posts to link to the information on my site and to relate new information as it becomes available.